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Organic Search Engine Marketing

Organic search engine marketing can help set things up so that clients find you – and not the other way around.

Doing organic search engine marketing the right way, however, can be a challenge.

Thankfully, though, it’s not too hard to get the good results if you’re following some proven principles.

In fact, if you keep reading, you’ll learn what these principles are how you can use them to get the best results from organic search engine marketing.

Let’s begin.

How Organic Search Engine Marketing Works

Organic search engine marketing is different to paid search engine marketing.

With paid search marketing, you select certain keywords and then bid an amount, of which is dictated by how much other advertisers are bidding. If you bid high enough, your website will appear for the keywords you have chosen, when they’re typed in by your target audience.

You will then be charged each time someone clicks on your website ad. Most people use the AdWords platform (provided by Google) to help them do this.

With Organic search engine marketing, however, you do not pay to have your website appear for certain keywords. With this form of marketing, your website will appear in the ‘organic search listings’ that can be found below the ads. You also will not be charged when someone clicks on a link to your website.

It can take time for your website to appear in the organic search engine listings. That is why some people opt for the paid marketing approach. However, if you are in a competitive industry, advertising costs can be very high. Therefore, in the long term, ranking organically is preferable.

If you want success with organic search marketing you need to focus on two key components:

  1. Content Creation
  2. Backlinks

With that in mind, let’s take a look at you should approach each of these components.

How to Approach Content Creation

Content creation can be daunting if you have no experience with writing – or you consider yourself to be a ‘bad’ writer.

If you have such concerns, don’t worry. When writing content for your website, it doesn’t matter if you aren’t the best writer in the world. You just need to focus on creating something that provides a lot of value to your target audience.

Plus, odds are you’re an expert in terms of the field you’re creating content for. This should help reduce the strain associated with writing content. Of course, if you absolutely hate the idea of having to write content – you can always hire a freelancer to help you get the job done.

When writing content, there are two things you need to focus on:

  1. Figuring out what to write about
  2. Creating content that’s better than your competitors

If you are struggling to come up with content ideas, think about some of the burning questions that affect your target audience. For instance, if you run a carpet cleaning company, a common question might be ‘how much does it cost to clean carpets?’

You can also come up with content ideas, by using the Google Keyword Planner. This is a tool that helps people figure out which keywords they should target when running paid search marketing campaigns. But it can also be used for organic search engine marketing.

When using this tool, provide it with a basic keyword related to your niche. The tool will then return a list of related keywords. The tool will also provide data related to the monthly search volume of a keyword and how much it costs to ‘bid’ on a certain keyword.

Keep in mind, the keywords with the highest bid values, often produce the most customers. Otherwise, advertisers would not want to bid so highly.

You can use this data to help you figure out the topics you should create content around. Before you create content for a specific keyword, type it into a search engine. Take a look at the existing content that is ranking for that keyword.

Then question how you can improve upon this existing content.

Can you make something more in-depth? Can you create something that’s easier to read or something with more images? It is important you create something better than existing content, as this will improve the odds of your content ranking well.

How to Build Backlinks to Your Content

If you’ve already created a stellar piece of content, then you’ve made the task of building backlinks easier. People will be more willing to link to something that is great, than something that is mediocre.

One way you can build backlinks is by taking a look at existing examples of content in the search engine, that rank for your chosen keyword. See who has linked to that such content. Let them know you’ve created something better and they may link to you.

Another tactic is to find people who’ve shared content similar to yours. You can use a tool such as Buzzsumo to do this. Such people have indicated that they have an interest in your industry, and so if your content is good, there’s a good chance they’d link to it.

Even if you do a good job at acquiring backlinks, it can take time for your content to rank well. In fact, it is not uncommon for you to drop down in the rankings, after acquiring some links.

This is known as the ‘Google dance’ and is often a sign that the algorithm is paying attention to your link building efforts. Be patient, and soon enough you should see the results of your link building efforts.

Search Engine Superstar?

If you have a small marketing budget, organic search engine marketing can be a great way to market your business online. This approach may not be as fast as paid search marketing. But if you can get your website to rank well – the return on investment can be incredible.

In this post, we’ve taken a look at some of the things you can do, to improve the chances of your website ranking well. You need to focus on creating quality content and obtaining quality links.

If you can do both of these things in a consistent manner, there’s no telling how successful you will be in search engine marketing.

Want to improve your organic search ranking? Use our SEO Audit to see how you can get better results.
